Reasons to Switch to Vape Carts in Big Rapids

by | May 27, 2024 | Cannabis | 0 comments

There are a lot of ways to imbibe THC. One of the more recent advancements is the introduction of vape carts. Vape carts include cartridges filled with THC oil that’s heated using power from a wireless battery. Learn more about why you should consider trying vape carts in Big Rapids.

Less Smoke

There is a small amount of smoke emitted from vape carts. However, the amount of smoke is significantly less than the traditional form of smoking cannabis. This means that you inhale less smoke, which can be better for your lungs. With this being said, it’s important to note that vape carts can still cause damage to your lungs.

Less Smell

Since there is less smoke, there is also less of a smell. While there is a small amount of odor, it’s not nearly as strong as the result of traditional smoking. This means that your home will smell better. There will also be less smoke inside your upholstery.

Easy to Transport

Sometimes you want to smoke outside of the house. If you smoke flower, you will need to transport the correct amount of flower and the required smoking paraphernalia. If you miss anything, you will need to find a secondary solution. Vapes are easy to transport.


You can get the same level of intoxication from a couple of hits of vape compared to a full bowl pack.

Are you interested in trying vape carts in Big Rapids? Learn more about your options through Premiere Provisions at